Emotify Pte Ltd: Workshops & Coaching

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Book announcement! Win the chance to name a character...

I am writing a book!

The circuit breaker in Singapore has had a number of consequences for me. Some have been challenging, such as postponed workshops and events, while others have been more positive. For example, the circuit breaker has led to unexpected opportunities to facilitate online webinars. One unexpected bonus is that the extra time at home has given me the chance to finally write a book, something which has been on my to-do list for several years.

What is the book about?

The book focuses on a family who move country for the first time. The story includes the ups and downs of the move, including how the family tackle each of their difficulties.

Who would benefit from reading the book?

The book is aimed at parents who are moving to a new country, whether it’s their first move or their latest move. There are also helpful tips for those working within the globally mobile community, such as international teachers. It’s also a great read for anyone who has close friends or family who move country, as the book gives a great insight into the difficulties and challenging emotions people experience when they move.

Keen to be notified of the publication date?

Simply fill in your details on the form below and I’ll email you once the book is published, which I am hoping will be by June 30. I promise I will only use your data to send you information about the book when it’s published. I won’t spam you and I certainly won’t share your email address to any third parties - check out my Privacy Policy to put your mind at rest.  

Would you like the chance to name a character?

I’m looking for some volunteers to read the book and share their feedback. Ideally, you would be a parent who has moved internationally with your family before. As an additional incentive to reading the book before anyone else, I’m also offering my volunteers the chance to win a competition to name one of the characters. You can indicate your interest on the form below:

See this form in the original post